Designated administrative, can change user privileges as well as add or remove users and client accounts.
It is possible for an administrator to have their access level set to None, Read or Write as per the definitions outlined below. Administrative users are indicated in user lists with an asterisk after their name. Any administrative user can grant this status to other users, as well, by checking off the Admin user box within a user’s settings page.
To manage user privileges go to Admin and select the Users sub-tab. Permissions for a user can also be set directly on the User’s set-up page. Each user can choose which client account they would like to see upon log in, or they can choose to automatically log into the last client account used.
Access privileges are as follows:
You can remove a user temporarily or permanently. For a temporary removal, simply select the Disable box. For a permanent removal, follow these steps:
When a user is deleted from the Platform, in the back-end database their account will be marked as inactive. Their email address will also have a random number added to it in the database, so that they can be created later as a new user if necessary.
When a user does not log into the Platform for more than 30 days, their username becomes disabled. To re-enable a disabled user, you can ask a user with admin rights to carry out the following steps when logged in:
You can delete a client account from the Platform; however this can only be done by someone who has Administrative access to that specific account. We’ll explain exactly how to do this below.
When using Delete in the client settings page, you will need to first unlink all PCAs and delete revenue integrations. Please reach out to your account representative or our Support Team for help deleting your revenue integrations.
To delete an account, the Administrative user would do the following:
PowerTraffick is a full service digital marketing company. We are a top PPC Agency that offers Google Ads (AdWords) help from certified Pay-Per Click (PPC) expert consultants and campaign account managers.