Thousands of blogs write it: content marketing is the trend of 2015-2016. Exaggerated? I do not think so. Google is, after all, increasingly able to estimate content value. For online to ensure a bright future, so you better start making valuable content. But what’s that valuable content? And how do you do that?
Three, five or ten answers
To make structural valuable content, it is important that you know what you want to convey. In other words: a good content strategy. This also makes it easier to make consistent new and interesting pieces. Sounds simple, but it is not always. A good content strategy should namely take into account many different facets. It is therefore important that are made in advance the right questions. But what are the right questions in this case?
To ask the right questions, it is important to keep the target in focus. In this case this is an overview of the internal and external factors. Experience shows that the preparation of lists of relevant data is an efficient way to quickly sketch a picture of these factors. Depending on the purpose of the question, the number of requested different replies. The rule of thumb is: a short list helps set priorities, a long list paints a picture of the overall market. In my work as SEO and content marketing specialist I often ask for three, five or ten answers.
The number three forces you to think about the main priorities.
Set objectives
Aristotle once said: “Nature does nothing without purpose.” The same should apply to every company. Every action must contribute directly or indirectly to achieve one or more objectives. Make your concrete goals and set priorities.
A company must be distinctive. Everybody knows that in marketing. But this also applies to the content strategy, few companies still seem to realize. Advantage: the opportunities are there enough. Therefore analyze the current content in the market, look at what questions remain unanswered and jump into it.
The target group will decide whether content is valuable. As a company, you should know what they want to hear. Research, analyze and enter into conversation. And do that periodically.
The objective, competition and target audience are outlined. The next step is to decide what to transfer the business.
Give 5 examples of articles / media that you would like to see on the site.
Great content is important, but it must be read. Research where the audience will find his information.
Mention 5 matters regularly in these journals / media / events are highlighted.
Although only 23 questions, it appears that in practice it often enough fabric provides for an initial brainstorming. But of course there are thousands of other questions that are also interesting. What questions should be asked before being absolutely sure about creating your content strategy?
PowerTraffick is a full service digital marketing company. We are a top PPC Agency that offers Google Ads (AdWords) help from certified Pay-Per Click (PPC) expert consultants and campaign account managers.