Traditional marketing talks at people,Talk with them through content marketing
What is Content Marketing? The content is king :
Over 80% of users greatly appreciate the content brands do to relate to them. Internet users spend more than 50% of airtime consuming content. 20% of the time consumed content
reading, another 20% microcontent, messages and images on networks social, and approximately 15% multimedia content. Content is an inseparable part of internet users want content,
It is the lifeblood that runs and nurtures the network.
Content marketing is a strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing relevant and valuable content to attract and retain a defined audience.
Content is the key part of the new marketing The content playing a major role, especially in the online business: users do not buy, they decide.
In the phases of exploration, comparison and evaluation by passing potential customers, they need content to be informed before making a decision.
The content is more strategic than ever Businesses must nurture that content throughout the tour a user, accompany each phase to help your analysis, to have more business opportunities.
Create content is to develop elements communication, a message, a format an associated support.
The most common types of content are:
reading (text-based), graphics (based in picture), multimedia (using audio and video) and interactive (such as widgets, for example). Syndicate content is manage channels for that content reaches the audience. The distribution of content on the internet It has done by using three channels:
own (web site, blog and e-mail)
social (social networks) and payment
(Search engines and online media).
Content Marketing
Relevant Content Valuable Content
Relevant content is one that draws attention, attracting the user. That attraction is achieved by combining good content and good presentation.
It is valuable content that enriches recipient. This is achieved with the needs of the receiver and how to help.
Definition Content Marketing: The definition of Content Marketing Hearing attract retain its audience Users value the content that companies created to relate to his
audience. Companies create long-term links through the content. Customers are increasingly demanding and companies create content as part of their
strategy to strengthen the relationship with their customers and loyalty.
Content Discovery
Content marketing is the only marketing left. Real marketing is not repurposed content advertising, it is something worth making and talking about.
Content is conversation
Over 70% of business decision-makers prefer US have information about a solution in the form of articles before through advertisements. In Europe, the same profile of decision-makers think that contacting the commercial area of a company for information only gives a partial view of things. Content marketing transforms the vision of a theme activities influence the behavior of people and drive them to action.
The content, when relevant, valuable and timely hearing, charges a new value for businesses: the trigger call to action. Potential customers demand valuable content, enrich them, that gives them a different perspective, they help them make a decision. They do not want emails deals magical or tracking sales calls. User do not buy today, he decides and that wants content.
Therefore we must build a virtuous circle around user needs to provide knowledge begins valuable and collaboratively.
This is the key that opens the doors to build capacity to influence and motivate the user to do an action.
Value of Content Marketing
The authority based on knowledge and expertise in
an issue is the basis for sustaining a leadership position,
the so-called thought leadership and thought leadership.
The relevant and valuable content is that knowledge.
Content marketing provides the technique to build that
expert position.
The approach is crucial. The way to approach the
hearing is collaborative, helping to advise (not for
sell). From this perspective, a person or a company is
able to transform into a reference for your audience.
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Content Marketing
Ability to Influence
The route makes a potential customer from having an
you need to decide what the right solution is what
It is known as the customer journey.
The timely content (besides relevant and valuable) that
It associated with each of the phases of the customer journey, help
users in its path analysis and decision making.
If each stage of the route from a search
Initial up making the final decision, the prospect
receives timely content, the ability to influence their
behavior grows exponentially.
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1 Definition Content Marketing
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The Value of Content Marketing
Call to action
In today’s markets, buying behavior shows
a growing trend: the potential customers consider
that contact with the sales area of a company to receive
information only gives a partial view of things.
Users prefer to use content to analyze, evaluate and
compare before initiating action.
It is at this point that content marketing provides
innovative approach, where the user is the protagonist. If he
potential customer receives valuable content, the ability to
it proactively takes action grows.
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Content Marketing
A successful content marketing strategy
is dependent on how well you know the
customer’s information needs. Listening is
Joe Pulizzi
14 Content Marketing | PowerTraffick Introduction | content marketing
Content is action
In a 2007 article, Rachel Lovinger, risking a definition
Content Strategy: “The use of words and data to
create content unambiguously and to provide an experience
Interactive significant “.
Rachel Lovinger is an American professional, closely linked to
online world and the first initiatives user experience.
From that perspective it makes an interesting analogy: “Strategy
Content writing is to what information architecture
It is the web design. ”
A content strategy is one that allows us to deliver the right content
I indicated to the user at the right time. Its development is based on
analysis and planning for the creation, management and distribution of content.
14 Content Marketing | PowerTraffick Introduction | PowerTraffick content marketing | Marketing Content marketing Content | Introduction 15
A content strategy requires a detailed analysis of five components
essential: the audience, channels, identity, processes and objectives.
The implementation of a content strategy requires
a first analysis, the definition of an action plan, the
goal setting and measurement, before starting
the execution of the strategy.
In this process, the analysis phase is key. A proper analysis
lays the foundation for an effective strategy, a wrong analysis
inevitably leads to failure.
A content strategy requires analyzing five aspects
on which all subsequent execution is based: the audience,
channels, identity, processes and objectives.
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3 Content Marketing Strategy
Identity and tone of voice
The voice is a reflection of the identity of an organization through the words
used. It is the way of expression is the “how to say”.
It is not the way to write content, it is a higher level. It is the expression of identity
be transmitted in all communications business: website, blog entries, emails
promotional, commercial, communication, presentations at events, etc. Construction of
tone is to provide a language itself, unique and recognizable to an organization.
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Content Marketing
The content must be an archetype of the recipient. Develop content without having defined the
Receiver profile is a strategic mistake.
Defining a profile based on demographic variables alone does not ensure that all
members have the same interests. It is essential to make a psychographic analysis
describe concepts such as career prospects, challenges of business, industry challenges,
academic concerns, etc. This analysis allows a / archetypes of audience
will be the guide for creating content that meets the interests and expectations of that audience.
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# Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
18 Content Marketing | PowerTraffick Introduction | content marketing
The Content Marketing Strategy
There are at least three types of channels to distribute content. Each channel provides access to
different audiences with varying degrees of proximity to the emitter of content.
The channels themselves are those that are under the control of who throws the contents site
web, blog, newsletters, etc. Livestock channels are social networks that allow “win”
followers (fans, followers, influencers) in which awaken interest and in turn redistribute
the content. Paid channels are those that can distribute prior contents
payment, such as search engines and online media.
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Content Marketing
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Content Marketing
The content must be appropriate and be associated with each point of contact of the audience
with the value proposition it presented to him.
In each of these moments or points of contact, users have concerns or problems
resolved, and if these concerns are resolved with relevant and appropriate content, the user
passes to a next stage. The usual answer to this scheme stages: exploration,
comparison, assessment, determination and loyalty.
Processes & Goals
Visibility, notoriety, bonding, commitment and loyalty are the benefits of content strategy. And each profit is a goal in itself. For each goal there is a set of KPI metrics (more than 50 possible ways to measure). The metrics are grouped under concepts associated to each target, as tandem with
the following correspondence:
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