What is the best backlink checker? An investigation.
Do you understand the links to your website or that of your competitors? Then you can use a backlink checker. Besides the amount of backlinks is also possible to analyze numerous other factors, making you a good picture of the quality of backlinks. Besides paid tools, there are also naturally free backlink checkers on the market. Depending on what your goal is, you decide what the most appropriate backlink checker tool to analyze a link profile.
I did a brief research I have tested the following backlink checkers: Backlinktest.com, Link Bird, Ahrefs, SEO SpyGlass and Majestic. To obtain a clear result and to make a good comparison between the different tools, I analyzed backlinks from three different websites. In addition, I have analyzed the following variables and compared with each other (in so far as available):
Number of backlinks
Links on different domains
Anchor Cloud
Nofollow rate
Site Wide Links
What backlink checker is the most complete to analyze the above variables and has the best price / quality ratio?
Findings backlink checkers
Backlink Test is still in a beta version, and gives a very incomplete analysis of the
backlinks. It is free, but there is also almost about all. All of the variables could be analyzed, in addition to the site wide links. Since it went wrong at the number of backlinks, displaying all other variables no more good results. From Figure 1 below also shows that the number of backlinks measured Backlink Test is very different compared to the other tools. If you just quickly a number of backlinks of competitors want to visit, then this tool is well suited.
Number of backlinks
Bird Link
Link Bird can not directly update the backlink factors and the number of wide links and left on site
different domains, I can not fix. In addition, I found Link Bird rather unclear, confusing and I do not get a complete picture of the number of backlinks. An employee of Link Bird told me that the sitewide links automatically not be displayed, allowing the number of backlinks seems less than with other tools. However, the number of backlinks were still much less than, say, SEO SpyGlass, where I first hand all sitewide links had been removed. Price: 99, – Euro per month.
With Ahrefs I can capture all the variables investigated. The results are almost immediately visible and the backlink factors need not be updated. All results are displayed clearly on a silver platter. Additionally, the tool is online, so you can use it anytime and anywhere. Note: Ahrefs not measure PageRank and with the free version, you can analyze only one website per day. Price: 80, – Euro per month.
SEO SpyGlass
SEO SpyGlass scores on one variable after (sitewide links) as well as on the Ahrefs
variables investigated and indeed measures the Pagerank of backlinks. At SEO Spyglass site wide links are displayed, but you should delete them manually for an objective analysis. One disadvantage is that it can sometimes take a long time backlink factors are updated it is not an online tool, allowing the program to be installed on the PC. Also, it is not possible to use the program at the same time with multiple users. Price: 125, – Euro per year.
Nofollow rate
With Majestic I can not determine the nofollow percentage and number of sitewide links from the link profile. The rest of the variables studied were reasonably consistent with the results in Ahrefs and Spyglass. The downside is that you can test only one website daily with the free version and there are many data to be still hidden. Like Ahrefs and Bird Link Majectic is an online tool. Note that Majestic does not measure PageRank. Price: 48, – Euro per month.
You would expect when you “website A ‘test with different backlink checkers that the result would be almost identical. The investigation has shown that the figures are still quite different, as can be seen from Figures 1 and 2. What backlink checker has it at the right end?
That’s hard to say, but what is striking is that the numbers of SEO SpyGlass, Majestic Ahrefs and most are together. Not entirely coincidentally, these three tools are also regarded highly. It must take into account the fact that I’ve been using a free version of Ahrefs and Majestic, and a trial version of Link Bird, which can affect the investigation results. Additionally displays one tool alone all ‘live links’ as Ahrefs and shows the other example sitewide links again not like Link Bird.
What backlink checker is the big winner when we answer the research question? Here is our top 5 best backlink checkers.
SEO Spyglass. SEO SpyGlass has all the examined variables can capture and is by far the most beneficial when looking at the price / quality ratio.
Ahrefs. Ahrefs has all the examined variables also capture effortlessly, but you also pay for the full price.
Majectic. With Majestic I can not fix the percentage of nofollow and sitewide links. In terms of price falls to oversee it yet.
Link Bird. By Link Bird, I can not determine the sitewide and links in various fields and there show much less backlinks than our top-3. Like Ahrefs you pay full price for this.
Backlink Test. With backlinktest.com I just can not fix the sitewide links, other outcomes are very incomplete. In any case, it is free.
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